Becket Conservation Commission
January 15, 2009
Approved Minutes
The meeting is called to order at 6:32 PM.
Commissioners Present: Purr McEwen, Chair; Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan; Derrick Rodgers
Commissioners Absent: Marty Winters
- Approval of Minutes of 12/18/08 meeting.
Motion to approve by Bud; second by Scott; unanimous approval.
- Continued Notice of Intent: Alfred Kirchner, 216 Goodwin Road, Map 210 lots 19 and 21, DEP #102-347 Upgrading of existing subsurface disposal system, rebuilding a degraded foundation wall, and improvement of drainage system
Present: Shannon Boomsma of White Engineering and Mr. Kirchner.
The hearing opens at 6:37 PM.
Ms. Boomsma presents the plan. DEP comments (normal buffer zone comments) were received. The property currently has noncompliant septic system which the applicant wants to replace. The leach field will go on an adjacent property outside of the buffer zone and resource areas.
The existing tank will be pumped, crushed and removed. A new concrete tank and pump chamber will be put in. The tanks will be twenty five feet from the wetland. About five trees need to come down to get the tanks in and one other small hemlock where a cracked block wall is to be fixed by replacing it with a poured concrete wall. The plan is also to improve a drainage swale. It will be a vegetated swale which will flow overland but not to the wetland limit. No equipment will be in the wetland. Silt fence is shown. The applicant is willing to plant something (laurel or another native species) where trees are being taken down.
Purr and Kathy were on the site visit and verify that the five trees do have to come down. Planting bushes will help hold the soil on the slope. Bud asks about the foundation drain; it is an existing underground drain. Scott asks if single row silt fence is enough with the grade there; it is flat between the work area and the silt fence. Ms. Boomsma says a straw wattle can be used. Kathy notes the property has been seen when no snow when looking at neighboring property. Derrick suggests perhaps planting Winterberry or American Cranberry Bush (Viburnum trilobum).
Public – None.
The hearing closes at 6:47 PM.
Scott moves to approve the NOI with standard Becket conditions and that straw wattles will be added to the two erosion control barriers on the construction site and the letter stating that native plants will be placed around the tank where the trees were removed be incorporated into the plan. Bud seconds. Unanimous approval.
- Certificate of Compliance: Kenneth Parent, 605 King Richard Drive, Map 216 lot 334 DEP #102-310
Kathy says she can’t see to tell if it’s stabilized or and would like to continue to April or May.
Scott moves to continue the Certificate of Compliance for DEP #102-310 until April 16th, 2009; Purr seconds; unanimous approval.
- Continued Notice of Intent: Warren Kiersh, 483 Tyne Road, Map 203 lot 50.4 DEP#102-348 Construction of dock, fixing of path and landscaping
Present: Mike Kulig of Berkshire Engineering representing the applicant
Public present: Blanche Lennington
The hearing opens at 6:51 PM.
Mr. Kulig presents the plan on which the number of trees to be removed has been reduced since site visit from seven to two. Mr. Kulig presents pictures of the site. A three foot wood chip path to the water is being put in. The proposed dock is removable and will occupy a twelve foot area of the shore. Purr objects to the removal of any trees at all. Kathy says the applicant has a right to ask for viewing corridor. Purr says it’s a very steep slope and the trees specified are on the steepest part. Scott can’t see why any additional tree removal would be allowed in view of the large number that have already been taken down. Purr says vista pruning would be fine but that is not what is being proposed. She points out that the bank was built up to put the house in and that
dramatically increased the slope. Kathy asks if there is any runoff going down and if there is vegetation holding the bank now. Purr says she has been surprised by how slowly the area that was previously cleared is growing back in. She adds that there is a BVW there that is a nesting site for the Great Blue Heron.
Public: Ms. Lennington says the applicant has a mansion on the hill and has already clear cut nearly down to the lake and she sees no reason for him to be allowed to take down any more trees. End Public.
Kathy reviews buffer zone law from the WPA and asks if what is proposed will adversely affect the resource area and will it have an impact on the wildlife? Purr reiterates that it is the area where the slope is the steepest. Derrick asks, won’t the trees regenerate if the stumps aren’t taken down? Scott says a significant amount of trees were lost but stumps are regrowing and asks if cutting down two more trees will further destabilize the slope. Purr feels that given where the trees are this would be the case. Kathy points to 310 CMR 10.24(1); Purr reads the first part of it. Mr. Kulig agrees to take the trees off the table and makes appropriate notation on plans.
The hearing closes at 7:16 PM.
Purr moves to approve the NOI as amended with no tree cutting, with standard Becket conditions and that wood chips on the path be untreated. Scott seconds. Unanimous approval.
- Sherwood Forest Neighbors’ Association
- Enforcement Order: Prince John Drive, Map 216 and Map 217 Drainage and culvert repair
- Continued Notice of Intent: Olde Carriage Road DEP #102-34_
Present: Mike Kulig of Berkshire Engineering representing the Proponents.
- Mr. Kulig presents the restoration plan for Prince John Drive He says it was difficult to figure out what was new work and what wasn’t. The major concern is Mr. Jekot’s property and his well. The proposal is to cap the culvert rather than dig it up. The existing swale will be cleaned out then riprapped.
Derrick moves to approve the restoration plan for Prince John Drive as presented with standard Becket conditions; Scott seconds; unanimous approval.
- The hearing opens at 7:22 PM.
Mr. Kulig presents the plan for Olde Carriage Road. He says the culvert is not substantially larger than the one that it replaced. The proposal is to leave it in and possibly correct the “lip”. DEP comments have not yet been received so no decision can be made tonight.
The hearing closes at 7:26 PM.
Kathy moves to continue to February 19th for DEP comments; Bud seconds. unanimous approval.
- Partial Certificate of Compliance: Paul Richter, Leonhardt Road, Map 203 DEP #102-296
Present: Matt Puntin of SK Design representing the applicant.
Mr. Puntin recaps the project for which a partial certificate of compliance has already been issued. Tonight he is seeking issuance of a further partial COC for Lot 21 (no work done) and the dry hydrant as well as an extension of the Order of Conditions for the proposed two docks on lots 25 and 28. No work has been done on lot 21 and the owners have decided they don’t want to do any. The existing OOC states that the two docks are supposed to be in by March of this year; an extension for two more seasons – till fall of 2010 – is being sought. Mr. Puntin submitted a letter regarding the dry hydrant in which the landowners of lots 25 and 28 have signed off, acknowledging that it is a summer hydrant and that no chemicals are to be used in it.
Purr moves to issue a partial Certificate of Compliance for “No Work Done” on lot 21 and written acknowledgment from owners of land adjoining the dry hydrant that no chemicals are to be used in it and that it is strictly for summer use. Scott seconds; unanimous approval.
Mr. Puntin asks that these be sent to SK Design rather than to the landowner so that his firm can be sure they are properly recorded.
Purr moves to extend the Order of Conditions for DEP #102-296 specifically for docks on Land Court lots 25 and 28 from March 22nd 2009 to October 1st 2010. Bud seconds; unanimous approval.
- Certificate of Compliance for Mass DCR Greenwater Pond DEP #102-267
Present: Jessica Roberts of Tighe and Bond representing the proponent.
Ms. Roberts states that work was completed in 2004. She asks that the certificate be sent directly to Tighe and Bond. A request for a COC on Phase Two will come in the spring when required nest boxes have been installed. Kathy has done site visit and says a very good job was done on everything.
Kathy moves to issue a Certificate of Compliance for Phase One of DEP #102-267; Scott seconds; unanimous approval.
- Rob Gorden delivered a letter at the beginning of the meeting. Copies are distributed to commissioners.
- Discussion of Center Lake dam issue.
- Draft of letter of response to Rob Gorden. Revisions are agreed on and the letter will be sent next week.
- MACC conferences are coming up. Let Kathy know if you want to attend any.
- Revisions for guidelines for vernal pool habitat are out.
- A special meeting is needed for an NOI of drawdown of Greenwater Pond. Schedule for Tuesday, February 3rd at 6:30 PM.
There being no further business to conduct Bud moves to adjourn; Pur seconds; the meeting is adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Blanche Lennington, Recorder
Purr McEwen, Chair Date
Scott Morley, Vice Chair Date
Bud Moylan Date
Derrick Rodgers Date
Kathy Vsetecka Date